Students new to Edmond or those moving into the West Field district are required to bring:
2 proofs of residence:
Current utility bill (gas, electric or water bill)
Warranty deed, mortgage statement, contract OR lease agreement. (Lease agreement must be signed and include the name of the student who will be attending the school.)
Immunization Record (see state requirements listed below)
Legal birth certificate
Copies of Oklahoma birth certificates may be obtained at:
Oklahoma Department of Vital Statistics 1000 NE 10th St. Suite #111 OKC
State of Oklahoma Immunization Requirements
Grades K-5:
5 doses DPT required (unless 4th dose given after 4th birthday)Polio:
Grades K-5:
4 doses polio required (unless 3rd dose given after 4th birthday)MMR:
Grades K-5:
2 doses required (on or after child’s 1st birthday)Hepatitis A:
Grades K-5:
2 doses requiredHepatitis B:
Grades K-5:
3 doses requiredChicken Pox:
Grades K-5:
1 dose or date of disease