A Message from Dr. Grunewald
edmond public schools community survey
Edmond Public Schools. Pre-k Lottery application Opens February 10, 2025
Adults reading to students in a library
core value w
Pricipal, assistant principal and teacher of the year Mary Page holding flowers in the gym
A diverse group of individuals gathered on a basketball court, engaged in conversation and enjoying the atmosphere.
edmond public schools
Group of students dressed in graduation cap and gown.
All EPS evening activites have been canceled for Monday, May 6th  The EPS Board Meeting will be reconvened Tuesday, May 7th, at 6pm
SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM, kids posing in front of green screen with camera pointed at them
Flyer-Senior celebration May 10 at 9:00 AM
daybreak understanding your child's behavior
A poster with text and flags
A child pointing at mybooster.com words
A message from Dr. Grunewald
Two women wearing cowboy hats
moving EPS forward 2024 Bond Election February 13
a poster with orange leaves and objects
Congratulations to our site teachers of the year